Bits, Rudders and Sparks
Bits, Rudders and Sparks James 3:1-12 August 30, 2015 • Mount Pleasant UMC Sermon Study Guide I would imagine that, when he recalled that day, he could not only hear the words in his mind but also feel the sting of the harshness with which they were spoken. One moment he had been feeling pretty good, and the next moment he was at one of the lowest places in his life. Funny how quickly things can change, isn’t it? It had been a long and tiring time of ministry, so they were all excited when Jesus took them away for a road trip. He took them way up north, presumably where no one could find them, and one night, around the campfire, in the shadow of those pagan temples, Jesus had asked them, “Who do people say I am?” Different disciples had spoken up. “Some say you’re John the Baptist.” “Others say Elijah.” “Still others say you’re one of the prophets, come back to life.” Jesus hadn’t commented on any of that; he had simply asked a different question. Maybe it was the que...