Prince of Peace
Luke 2:1-20 December 24, 2016 (Candlelight) • Mount Pleasant UMC Three miles southeast of Bethlehem sits a hill. It’s not a natural hill, or an ordinary hill in any sense of the word. There is a modest natural hill nearby, but that wasn’t big enough or flashy enough for the king’s purposes. So King Herod built a hill and named it after himself: the Herodium. He brought in huge quantities of dirt and rock, making the mountain bigger and bigger, and then he built a lavish palace on top of it and down inside of it, complete with elaborate escape tunnels, a synagogue inside the walls and a swimming pool—229 feet by 150 feet—at the foot of the mountain surrounded by another palace. Think of that—a huge swimming pool, in the middle of the desert. The waste of water for such recreational activities, in a place where many if not most people lived in poverty, is staggering to contemplate. Yet I doubt Herod rarely thought about it, because this mountain, this Herodium, was not just ...