Coming Attractions
Revelation 21:1-7 February 26, 2017 • Mount Pleasant UMC In the days before the internet—and yes, kids, there was a time before the internet, Google and smartphones—one of the things I loved most about going to the movies, in addition to seeing the movie I had paid to see, was the “coming attractions.” I didn’t know then they were called “trailers,” and I’m still not sure why or how they got that name. I just knew that it was sort of exciting to see what might be coming out soon. Today, they show too many trailers and none of them are surprises since you can see them online even before they hit the theaters. But in those days, you really didn’t know what was coming out until the trailers played before the movie. Coming attractions, the introduction would say, and that’s just what they were. They were designed to give you just enough of a taste of the film so that you would come back for the newest attraction. And that’s just what the Bible does when it comes to las...