Luke 17:1-6 March 19, 2017 • Mount Pleasant UMC I remember it like it was yesterday, even though it was probably about fifteen years ago now. It was a beautiful spring day, and why the kids were not outside playing I do not know, but somehow they had gotten the idea that they would have great fun that day blowing bubbles in the kitchen of our home. Someone had gotten them those bottles of soap bubbles with the little wand, and I could hear them laughing and giggling from the back part of the house. Now, the way that house was constructed, the kitchen was in the middle of the house; you have to go through the kitchen to get to the other part of the house. And the kitchen had a linoleum floor. Maybe you’ve figured out where I’m going with this. I decided to go see what they were having so much fun doing, and the minute I walked into the kitchen, stepping onto the linoleum floor in my bare feet, a floor covered with soap bubble residue—well, it was like a cartoon. My feet ...