Who Is My Family?
Who Is My Family? Mark 3:20-21, 31-35 June 21, 2020 • Mount Pleasant UMC Downloadable Sermon Study Guide Today is Father’s Day, and on this day and on Mother’s Day, we tend to focus on and think about that word “family.” We know, in this time and place, “family” means different things to different people. The “norm” of Mom, Dad and 2.5 kids is not a norm anymore; families come in all shapes and sizes. But whatever yours looks like, there are still some images that permeate any sort of family. Songwriter Drew Holcomb tried to capture some of those in a song called, appropriately enough, “Family,” and I’m not going to show you the whole thing, but take a listen to just a little bit of this and see if some of these images don’t resonate with you. This morning, we’re wrapping up this short series on “Questions Jesus Asks.” And it has been a short series; we’ve barely scratched the surface on questions Jesus asked those who followed him. But my hope is that the way we’ve e...