
Showing posts from June, 2021

Heavenly Father (Study Guide)

“Heavenly Father” Sermon Study Guide for June 20, 2021 Downloadable Version Scripture: Luke 15:17-24 Fathers… 1. God the Father “Father” in OT and NT “Our Father in heaven…” John 17 2 Corinthians 5:14 Psalm 103:13-14 2. A Good Father Doesn’t… Does… 1 John 3:1 Questions to Discuss or Ponder: Who is your favorite TV Dad? Why? Why do you believe the concept of “fatherhood” is not well regarded today? What was your childhood image of God? How has that changed over the years, if it has? What does it mean to call God, “Father”? If God loves us like he loves the Son, what does that mean about his love for you? How does God meet the criteria for a good father? Which of the characteristics of a good Father do you most need to experience today? Scripture for the Week: Monday - 1 John 3:1-10 Tuesday - 2 Corinthians 5:11-6:2 Wednesday - Psalm 103 Thursday - John 17:1-5 Friday - Ephesians 6:1-9 Saturday - Proverbs 22:1-6 In response to this Scripture, how will you live? Pr...

Both Sides

1 Corinthians 9:19-23 June 13, 2021 • Mount Pleasant UMC No one likes a hypocrite. The word “hypocrite” comes from the Greek word for “actor,” someone who wears a mask, and while we might enjoy watching professional actors on a stage or a screen, we typically don’t care for “actors” in real life—people who pretend to be something other than they are or people who tell you one thing and tell someone else another thing. You know the sort of folks I’m talking about. Immediately, politicians often jump to mind. In running for office, far too many people will say whatever they think you want to hear so that they can get your vote. Once in office, promises made are often broken—maybe because way too many promises were made or the promises were insincere to begin with. Either way, no one likes a hypocrite. At the same time, our culture has a strange fascination with religious hypocrites. We don’t like them any better than “regular hypocrites,” but we’re more interested in them. Someti...

Both Sides (Study Guide)

“Both Sides” Sermon Study Guide for June 13, 2021 Downloadable Version Scripture: 1 Corinthians 9:19-23 1. Two Sides of Paul? meat… (8:1-13) freedom… “became like” Acts 13 - Pisidian Antioch Acts 17 - Athens 2. Becoming Like a. __________________ our Faith 1 Peter 3:15 good questions b. __________________ our Methods c. ___________________ of Service Freedom in Christ… Questions to Discuss or Ponder: Describe a “hypocrite.” In what situations are you most tempted to be one? What was the dilemma about sacrificed meat that the Corinthians were dealing with? What is a modern equivalent of that dilemma? How does Paul demonstrate his determination to “become like” his setting? Have you shared your faith recently? Why or why not? If so, what was it like? Why do Christians not regularly share their faith today? Who do you know who is a good question-asker? What qualities do they have that you would like to have? What does it mean to adapt methods without changing messa...

Gather Round the Table

Philippians 3:1-7 June 6, 2021 • Mount Pleasant UMC One of the best memories I have from growing up is gathering around the dinner table. Most evenings, at least the way I remember it, we sat down as a family to eat a meal mom or dad had cooked, and we ate together. I can’t really tell you what we might have talked about at that table, but looking back, to me that was holy ground. Those moments were precious, even though my brother and I didn’t really think so at the time. We do now, on those rare times like Memorial Day when we get to gather around that table again. As my kids grew up, we weren’t nearly as consistent at all sitting down and having dinner together. It seems there were always things that got in the way—soccer practice, dance rehearsals, church meetings. I loved it when we could gather, but it didn’t happen near enough and now, well—Barnabas would really like it if we would make him a seat at the table. There is something about gathering around the table, the din...

Gather Round the Table (Study Guide)

  “Gather Round the Table” Sermon Study Guide for June 6, 2021 Downloadable Version Scripture: Philippians 3:1-7 The dinner table… 1. Paul, the racist? Titus 1:13-14 - Cretans Galatians 3:1 - Foolish Jews Racism & the church Racism… Was Paul a racist in what he wrote? 2. Combatting Racism in our World Study… How to Fight Racism (Jemar Tisby) When We Stand (Terence Lester) Engage… Genesis 1:26 - made in God’s image Galatians 3:26-29 Questions to Discuss or Ponder: What memories do you have of the dinner table growing up? Who was there? What did you talk about? How have you interacted with the issues surrounding race in our country over the last year? What has it cost you? What do you understand the Church’s role in racism to be? What is our church’s stance toward racism (do you know?)?   Was Paul a racist in what he wrote? Why or why not? Which of the “strategies” or practices for combatting racism do you most need to engage in today? When was ...