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1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 October 20, 2024 (Generosity Sunday) • Mount Pleasant UMC I grew up going to church. I don’t ever remember asking why we went to church because that was just what we did. It was important to my parents so my brother and I weren’t given an option. It wasn’t until I was older, probably not really until I was in college, that I began asking questions like that—questions like, “Why is church important to me?” When I got out on my own, I had to decide if being part of a church was important to me or if it was just something I had been made to do. I think it’s pretty clear what I decided, since I answered a call to spend my whole life in the church, and even now, I still believe the church is vital to the community and to the world. Even with all of its flaws and brokenness, the church is still Jesus’ plan for the world. You may have lots of thoughts or reasons why you come here, and maybe some of you wandered in here today for the first time and have no idea wh...