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Luke 5:27-32 August 27, 2017 • Mount Pleasant UMC I have a confession to make: I’m a tech-aholic. And even worse, I’m an upgrade-aholic. The fact that I’ve had the same Mac sitting on my desk at home for four years is a testament to the growth of the fruit of self-control in my life! (Or something like that.) I love to try out new technology. The way my sickness works is this: as soon as I purchase something new, I’m always looking for upgrades, new ways to use it, new things to try. It’s a disease, I know, but thankfully I have a patient wife who gives me strength to say “no” every once in a while. Or tells me to say “no” more than every once in a while. Though, you know, this phone is two years old now… What was I saying? Oh, yes, technology. It’s a blessing and a curse. Every time you get something new, something newer comes along. And it’s especially difficult in our world where so many different generations respond to technology in different ways. Show of han...