Next Door (Study Guide)

“Next Door”
Sermon Study Guide for August 27, 2017

Scripture: Luke 5:27-32

  1. Jesus and Levi
Tax Collector…

The Meal…

The Conversation…

“Tax Collectors and Sinners"

2. Neighboring


Questions to Discuss or Ponder:
  1. Who are the people now we tend to treat like people treated Levi then?
  2. When have you experienced unexpected or undeserved hospitality? When have you had a chance to show that to someone else?
  3. How does Jesus respond to the Pharisees and lawyers? What is he saying about them by his response?
  4. How, do you imagine, did the Pharisees respond to Jesus’ statement?
  5. When was the last time you had a chance to eat with “tax collectors and sinners”?
  6. What one idea will you try out this week to establish a connection with your neighbors?

Scripture for the Week:
Monday - Luke 6:27-36
Tuesday - Luke 7:36-50
Wednesday - Luke 9:51-56
Thursday - Matthew 9:9-13
Friday - Romans 12:14-21
Saturday - Acts 4:32-37

Resources for Neighboring
Pathak, Jay & Dave Runyon. The Art of Neighboring. Baker, 2012.

Willimon, William H. Fear of the Other. Abingdon, 2016.


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