A Twist of the Lie (Study Guide)

“A Twist of the Lie”

Sermon Study Guide for September 3, 2017

Scripture: Genesis 3:1-7

“I can resist everything except ___________________.”

Starting at the Beginning

Creation stories…

Humanity - “very good” (1:31)

Good and evil

Serpent - Revelation 12:9

“Did God really say…?”

“You will be like God…”

beautiful but broken

2. Temptation

Two gardens

Don’t put yourself ___________________________

Know your ___________________________

Romans 14:22

Run to ____________________________

Find ______________________________

Questions to Discuss or Ponder:

1. What is Genesis specifically trying to tell us about creation?

2. Who, according to Genesis, gets to determine what is good and what is evil? Why? How do we get that all messed up?
3. Why did Eve add to God’s restriction? What was her hoped-for result? What was the actual result?
4. What was lost as a result of Adam & Eve’s sin?
5. How can we recognize that everything we have is a gift from God? How can we celebrate God’s gifts rather than struggle agains his restrictions?
6. Which of the actions do you need to take to deal with temptation in your life right now? What step will you take first?

Scripture for the Week:

Monday - Genesis 1:1-2:3

Tuesday - Genesis 2:4-25

Wednesday - Genesis 3

Thursday - Matthew 6:25-34

Friday - Matthew 7:24-27

Saturday - Romans 14

Resources for Eden

Cline, Eric. From Eden to Exile. National Geographic, 2007.

Hamilton, Victor. Handbook on the Pentateuch. Baker, 1982.

Richter, Sandra. The Epic of Eden. InterVarsity, 2008.


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