Living Hopefully (Study Guide)

“Living Hopefully”
Sermon Study Guide for October 10, 2017

Scripture: Romans 8:15, 28, 31-39


1. God’s Definition of Hope

Hebrews 6:18-19

2. Joseph

Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

The Three Trees: The Biblical Story




Questions to Discuss or Ponder:
  1. In what situations do you struggle to find hope? What causes you to become hope-filled? 
  2. What have been tempted to “end the story” too soon? 
  3. In what way does Joseph demonstrate the truth of Romans 8:28? 
  4. How does the whole of the Biblical story help you find hope and see hope around you? 
  5. Which of the “three r’s” are you living under today? 
  6. What helps you move from seeing yourself as a victim to hope? 

Scripture for the Week:

Monday - Psalm 3

Tuesday - Genesis 39:1-23

Wednesday - Genesis 41:1-40

Thursday - Genesis 50:15-21

Friday - Mark 4:30-34

Saturday - Luke 18:35-43

Resources for Hopeful Living

Colson, Charles. The Good Life. Tyndale, 2005.

Heath, Sarah. What’s Your Story? Abingdon, 2017.

Ortberg, John. The Me I Want To Be. Zondervan, 2010.

Patterson, Ben. He Has Made Me Glad. InterVarsity, 2005.


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