True or False? (Study Guide)

“True or False?”
Sermon Study Guide for May 6, 2018

Scripture: Matthew 7:15-27

Graduations & Final Exams…
Matthew 28:20

  1. False ______________________ (7:15-20)

By their _____________________
Galatians 5:22-23

Psalm 119:11

2. False ________________________ (7:21-23)

3. False ________________________ (7:24-27)

Matthew 24:1-2
Matthew 16:13-20

3 John 4

Questions to Discuss or Ponder:
  1. Recall the most significant “transition” times in your life. What impact did each have on the direction of your life? What impact on your faith?
  2. In what way(s) do you see the “true/false” model played out in our world today? Why is it hard to discern truth from falsehood in this world?
  3. What are some ways you can determine what kind of “fruit” a person’s life is producing?
  4. What is the difference between true and false disciples?
  5. What does it mean for you to build your life on a solid foundation? What actions help that “building”?
  6. What does it mean to “confirm” our faith daily?

Scripture for the Week:
Monday - Matthew 24:1-14
Tuesday - Matthew 28:16-20
Wednesday - Psalm 119:9-16
Thursday - Galatians 5:13-26
Friday - 3 John 1-8
Saturday - John 16:16-33

Resources for Confirming Our Faith
Colson, Charles. The Faith. Zondervan, 2008.

Dunnam, Maxie. This is Christianity. Abingdon, 1994.

Rainer, Thom. I Am A Church Member. B&H Books, 2013.

Warren, Tish Harrison. Liturgy of the Ordinary. InterVarsity, 2016.


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