Edge of the Cliff
Edge of the Cliff Luke 4:14-30 June 30, 2019 • Mount Pleasant UMC “Going home” can be a surreal experience. About a month ago, we went back to Rossville, where I graduated from high school (34 years ago), for my niece’s graduation party. It’s a different experience to be “home” when you’re not “from there” anymore. Life has taken you in different directions and suddenly people you’ve known all your life feel a bit like strangers. A couple of times, I have “gone home” to preach at my home church. Let me tell you, that's even stranger, and it’s a bit intimidating. Those people knew you when you were the kid in the front pew, west side, timing the pastor’s prayers with your cool new digital watch. They knew you when you were the kid who acted up in Sunday School. They knew you when you were the kid who talked back to his parents and who drove the beat-up blue pick-up truck on the senior paper drives and who worked at the IGA grocery store. They know the rough edges, the good...