Helper (Study Guide)

Sermon Study Guide for June 9, 2019

Scripture: Acts 2:1-6


  1. Pentecost
a. Wind (2:2)

b. Fire (2:3)

c. Speech (2:4)
1 Corinthians 14:26-27

2. Helper
a. Live the ___________________
prevenient grace

b. ____________________ the faith
John 14:17; 16:13

c. ____________________ the truth

3. Undergirding Pentecost: ______________________

Questions to Discuss or Ponder:
  1. When do you have the most difficulty waiting? When have you experienced the benefit of waiting?
  2. What does the symbol of “wind” mean to you? How is “wind” connected to the Holy Spirit?
  3. What does “fire” do? How is “fire” connected to the Holy Spirit?
  4. What is the importance of “speech”? How is what happens in Acts 2 different from what is later called the gift of “tongues”?
  5. Which of the “helper” functions of the Holy Spirit do you most need in your life right now? Why?
  6. Who in contemporary culture is the Spirit using to preserve the faith?
  7. What essential to the presence of the Holy Spirit do we often miss? What can you do in your own life to reclaim that essential?

Scripture for the Week:
Monday - Ezekiel 36:24-38
Tuesday - Isaiah 63:7-14
Wednesday - Acts 1:12-26
Thursday - Acts 2:1-41
Friday - 1 Corinthians 14:1-19
Saturday - Hebrews 8:7-13

In response to this Scripture, how will you live?

Prayer Prompt: “Come, Holy Spirit”


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