Gimme That Old-Time Religion (Study Guide)

“Gimme That Old-Time Religion”
Sermon Study Guide for March 8, 2020

Scripture: Mark 9:42-48

“Hellfire and brimstone” sermons…

1. Jesus on Hell

“missing” verses

causing little ones to stumble…

“it would be better…”


2. Where God is Not

Does God send people to hell?

A response to evil…

Jesus’ command…Matthew 28:16-20

Questions to Discuss or Ponder:
  1. What is your image of hell?
  2. What is your “stumbling block”? What causes distance between you and Jesus?
  3. How does the idea of “Gehenna” help you understand hell better?
  4. Respond to this statement: “Hell is where God is not.”
  5. How do you respond to someone who says a loving God would never “send” someone to hell?
  6. In what way is eternal punishment a just response to evil?
  7. How will others see the love of Jesus in you this week?

Scripture for the Week:
Monday - Matthew 5:21-26
Tuesday - Matthew 7:7-14
Wednesday - Matthew 10:24-33
Thursday - Matthew 23:29-39
Friday - Matthew 28:16-20
Saturday - Mark 7:24-30

In response to this Scripture, how will you live?

Prayer Prompt: for the completion of Jesus’ Commission


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