
Showing posts from September, 2020

Into Your Hands (Study Guide)

  “Into Your Hands” Sermon Study Guide for September 27, 2020 Downloadable Version Scripture: Luke 23:44-49 Previously… 1. Jesus’ Last Word/Final Prayer famous last words… 2. What Jesus’ Prayer Brings Psalm 41:10 Acts 11:21 Exodus 15:6 Psalm 89:13 Isaiah 49:16 - “palms of my hands” John 10:28-29 Psalm 46:1-2 Questions to Discuss or Ponder: How would you want to sum up your life in some “last words”? Recall a Scripture that gives you confidence in God’s ability, provision or protection. What is a verse that helps you in difficult times? What image comes to mind when you think of being rescued, of being safe and secure? In what ways have your security been threatened or upended during this time of pandemic? How does Jesus’ last prayer inspire deeper faith (as it did in the centurion)? What will you do this week to trust God more deeply? Scripture for the Week: Monday - Psalm 41 Tuesday - Psalm 89:1-13 Wednesday - Psalm 46 Thursday - Isaiah 49:8-18 Friday - J...

Bruised Knuckles

Mark 15:33-37; Psalm 22 September 20, 2020 • Mount Pleasant UMC Sometimes you have to say things differently to get someone’s attention. Today, “different” seems to mean “louder.” We think if we say what we mean louder, and by that I mean more aggressively, or online IN ALL CAPS, then people will pay attention, right? Truth is, anymore, the louder someone gets, the more they get tuned out, at least in my world. But Christopher, when he was little, already knew that. Somehow, I don’t know how, he learned this lesson: that to get someone’s attention, sometimes you have to change the language. One evening, we were in the family room at the parsonage, Christopher was probably 3 or 4 years old, and he wanted his mom’s attention. I don’t remember what he was doing, but he wanted her to see him, and so he started doing the “Mommy, Mommy, Mommy” thing. You know how that goes. It’s the tone of voice parents learn to tune out, right? Cathy was busy doing something, again I don’t remember w...

Bruised Knuckles (Study Guide)

  “Bruised Knuckles” Sermon Study Guide for September 20, 2020 Downloadable Version Scripture: Mark 15:33-37 1. Eloi, Eloi… Darkness over the land 2. Abandoned/Forsaken 2 Corinthians 5:21 Galatians 3:13 Psalm 139:7-8 Psalm 22 3. How We Respond… Questions to Discuss or Ponder: When have you changed the way you said something in order to get your point across? What, do you think, is the point of the three hours of darkness at the cross? Jesus saves up energy to make sure this prayer is heard. Why do you think this prayer was so important? What did the people at the foot of the cross hear when Jesus prayed this prayer? What do you think the Romans made of it? Why does it matter that Jesus “became sin” for us? What does “becoming righteousness” look like for us? Have you experienced a “dark night of the soul”? What was that like? How does God meet us in times of apparent forsakenness? Scripture for the Week: Monday - Psalm 22 Tuesday - Psalm 71 Wednesday - Psalm 9 Thu...


Luke 23:32-34 September 13, 2020 • Mount Pleasant UMC To prepare for this message, I went to my bookshelf, as I usually do, and scanned through the titles there to see if there might be anything helpful, books I should consult as we look at this prayer of forgiveness. I thought that surely, since forgiveness is so important in Christian theology, there would be several books I’ve read on forgiveness. Maybe way too many to look at this week, but I could at least skim through the best of the best. I found exactly two. Two books on forgiveness in my library—one by a pastor and one by a Christian musician. I honestly was surprised, but I bet your bookshelf isn’t much different. For all our talk about forgiveness and all our focus on how important it is—and how much we like to be forgiven—we honestly don’t talk or think about it that much. We have books on living the successful Christian life (whatever that is), on how to be a CEO like Jesus was (or was he?), how to diet like Daniel d...

Unknowing (Study Guide)

  “Unknowing” Sermon Study Guide for September 13, 2020 Downloadable Format here. Scripture: Luke 23:32-34 1. Jesus: The Crucifixion the “revolutionaries” “Father, forgive them…” 2. What Forgiveness Is and Isn’t It is about _____________________ Psalm 51:1, 4 Matthew 6:14-15 It doesn’t always include _______________ It is not ___________________ Questions to Discuss or Ponder: What part of the crucifixion scene is most difficult for you to grasp? What difference does it make to think of God as the primary person who is offended by our sin? How does that affect the way we approach forgiveness? In what way does our lack of forgiveness block our reception of God’s forgiveness?   What is the difference between forgiveness and reconciliation? In what sort of situation might you practice one but not pursue the other? Why does forgiveness not involve forgetting? What does it involve when it comes to our memory? What situation in your life or in our current cultural ...