God's Way (Study Guide)

“God’s Way”

Sermon Study Guide for March 13, 2022

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Scripture: John 13:2-17

Knowing the Way…

1. Upper Room

washing feet…

who is greatest? Luke 22:24

what a slave would do

2. Three Questions

a. Will you __________________________________?

b. Will you __________________________________?

Romans 12:3

c. Will you __________________________________?

Questions to Discuss or Ponder:

  1. Describe a time you found yourself lost. What did you have to do to find your way?
  2. Why do you think the disciples didn’t offer to wash feet? What do you think went through their minds as they walked by the water basin?
  3. The disciples often argued about who would be “the greatest.” Discuss a similar situation you’ve encountered either in your work life or your family life.
  4. What is the difference between doing “what” Jesus did and doing “as” Jesus does?
  5. Which of the three questions do you struggle with the most to answer “yes” to?
  6. Is it easier to pray for God’s will to be done or for your will to be done? Why?
  7. How is Jesus’ example one you are trying to follow?

Scripture for the Week:

Monday -  John 13:12-17

Tuesday - Luke 22:24-34

Wednesday - Luke 9:23-25

Thursday - Matthew 22:1-10

Friday - John 13:18-30

Saturday - John 13:31-38

In response to this Scripture, how will you live?

Prayer Prompt: To be able to do as Jesus did.


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