Home (Study Guide)


Sermon Study Guide for April 3, 2022

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Scripture: John 14:18-24

1. Orphans (14:18)

2. Home (14:23)

Judas’ question… (14:22)

“with” and “in”

2 Corinthians 5:17

3. Love (14:23-24)

Jesus spells love ________________________

Matthew 25:31-46

James 1:27

Luke 22:18-19 - “Do this. Remember.”

Questions to Discuss or Ponder:

  1. When does a house become a home? What is the determining factor for you?
  2. Jesus assures the disciples they will not be orphans. What other questions would that have brought to their minds?
  3. When have you needed the promise that you would not be left alone? When have you experienced the comfort of Jesus’ presence?
  4. What is the difference between being “with” Jesus and being “in Christ”?
  5. What would it look like if we really were “little Christs”? How would the world potentially be different?
  6. How do we demonstrate our love for Jesus? How do you demonstrate that love specifically?

Scripture for the Week:

Monday - John 14:25-31

Tuesday - Matthew 25:31-46

Wednesday - 2 Corinthians 5:16-21

Thursday - James 1:19-27

Friday - John 15:1-17

Saturday - John 15:18-27

In response to this Scripture, how will you live?

Prayer Prompt: “If you love Jesus…”


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