Who’s the Master?
Matthew 25:14-30 October 30, 2022 • Mount Pleasant UMC Almost thirty years ago, I received my master’s degree. It is a “Master’s of Divinity,” and so for a long, long time, I have tried to convince my kids that I am nearly divine. They never have bought it. But I have a Master’s degree because I invested four years of my life and thousands of dollars into a course of study. I read books, I wrote papers, I took exams, I listened to lectures until the day came in early May, 1993, when Asbury Seminary conferred on me the coveted Master’s degree. I was full of knowledge, I was full of confidence, and like all of my classmates, I was ready to change the world. We were the ones the church had been waiting on, we were sure of it. And so we all headed off into the world, most of us to our first full-time appointment as a pastor in the church, and it did not take long to realize that no matter what degree we might have, we were masters of very little. I had been a pastor for just about a ...