Love Life (Study Guide)
“Love Life” Sermon Study Guide for April 30, 2023 Downloadable Version Scripture: John 10:7-10 Religion & relationship 1. Abundantly selfishness… Ecclesiastes - King Solomon “chasing the wind” 2. Because Jesus… Galatians 5:22-23 - fruit of the Spirit random acts of kindness 1 Peter 4:8-10 - “deep love” eternal life a future filled with hope… Questions to Discuss or Ponder: Why do so many embrace man-made religion rather than a relationship with Jesus? What’s the difference between the two? When you hear the world “abundant,” what picture comes to mind? How does that compare with your life? How do we overcome our natural tendency toward selfishness? What does selfishness lead to? Respond to this statement: “The life of love causes us to love life.” How have you experienced life’s disappointments? What or who helped you in those times? How does the presence of Jesus change your approach toward life? What gifts has God given you to use to serve others? How will...