
Showing posts from April, 2023

Love Life (Study Guide)

  “Love Life” Sermon Study Guide for April 30, 2023 Downloadable Version Scripture: John 10:7-10 Religion & relationship 1. Abundantly selfishness… Ecclesiastes - King Solomon “chasing the wind” 2. Because Jesus… Galatians 5:22-23 - fruit of the Spirit random acts of kindness 1 Peter 4:8-10 - “deep love” eternal life a future filled with hope… Questions to Discuss or Ponder: Why do so many embrace man-made religion rather than a relationship with Jesus? What’s the difference between the two? When you hear the world “abundant,” what picture comes to mind? How does that compare with your life? How do we overcome our natural tendency toward selfishness? What does selfishness lead to? Respond to this statement: “The life of love causes us to love life.” How have you experienced life’s disappointments? What or who helped you in those times? How does the presence of Jesus change your approach toward life? What gifts has God given you to use to serve others? How will...

Love People

Mark 12:28-34 April 23, 2023 • Mount Pleasant UMC I think I have shared before with some of you how stressful going to the eye doctor is for me. I’m told I am very picky about how I see, and so when the doctor puts that big mask on my face and she asks which one is clearer, A or B, C or D, I want to get it right. And now they have these new tests where you’re supposed to click a button when you see a vague point of light off to the side…or when the house becomes clear…it’s all very stressful because I want to get the answers right so my vision is right. The doctor says to relax and part of me wants to say, “How about you try answering all these questions?” We’re in week two of this series on our church’s vision, and in a lot of ways what I’m attempting to do is to give all of us a vision test—hopefully not one as stressful as the one you get in the eye doctor’s office. But, still, I believe it’s important we get this right. As I shared last week, our Leadership Council has spen...

Love People (Study Guide)

  “Love People” Sermon Study Guide for April 23, 2023 Downloadable Version Scripture: Mark 12:28-34 Two commands or one? Leviticus 19:18 1. People Who Are ____________________________ imago dei 2. People Who Are ____________________________ Philippians 2:12; James 2:26; Ephesians 2:10 3. People Who ______________________________ 1 Samuel 15:22; Hosea 6:6 “You are not far from the kingdom of God” Questions to Discuss or Ponder: In what way(s) have you tried to love God more this past week? What was the result? For you, who are the people who are most difficult to love? Why? What does it mean to see the “image of God” in each and every person? Why do we divide “faith” and “works”? Why is that a false division? What way(s) do you find to love those who are faced with challenging circumstances in life? Where are the unseen people in your life? in our community? Why did Jesus tell the lawyer he wasn’t far from the kingdom of God? What did the lawyer understand that others did no...

Love God

Mark 12:28-34 April 16, 2023 • Mount Pleasant UMC This is a weird time for the church. And I’m not talking about Mount Pleasant Church in particular, though we’re part of it to be sure. But for the church around the world, it is a strange time as many people are re-evaluating what it is that they believe. Church attendance in our nation is the lowest it’s ever been, and COVID restrictions and closures simply sped up the decline. It’s a time when the church—big C church—is asking questions like, “What are we doing? And why are we doing it?” And, I believe, an even more important question: “If we weren’t here any longer, if our church closed, would anyone notice?” Without a doubt, the last three years have been very hard. You know that, because it’s been hard in your life, too. For the last three years, our Leadership Council has been focused on getting us through the pandemic, and I for one am very thankful for the leadership we have had that has steered the ship and enabled us ...