The Stores We Tell (Study Guide)

 “The Stories We Tell”

Sermon Study Guide for October 8, 2023

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Scripture: Genesis 13:1-18

1. Abram & Lot

“Go to the land…”

Quarreling arose…

To the left or the right…

2. Two Stories

The ___________________ story (Lot)

The ___________________ story (Abram)

Questions to Discuss or Ponder:

  1. In what settings are you or your family most likely to tell stories? What kind(s) of stories do you tell?
  2. In what ways do we make sense of our world by the stories we tell? Share an example.
  3. What do our culture’s stories tell about us?
  4. How is Abram being a peacemaker in Genesis 13? When have you found yourself put in the role of peacemaker?
  5. Had you been in Abram’s shoes, would you have given Lot the same choice? Why or why not?
  6. What are the differences between the two stories we tell ourselves? Which story is most familiar to you?
  7. Who is at the center of your story?
  8. What story do you want to tell yourself? How will you do that?

Scripture for the Week:

Monday - Genesis 12:1-9

Tuesday - Genesis 19:1-29

Wednesday - Acts 6:1-15

Thursday - Acts 7:1-29

Friday - Acts 7:30-60

Saturday - Numbers 12:1-16

In response to this Scripture, how will you live?

Prayer Prompt: Help me live by a different story.


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