Mysterious Ways
Psalm 13 November 26, 2023 • Mount Pleasant UMC The best songs “are born in the wilderness of suffering” (Card, A Sacred Sorrow , pg. 63). Over the last month, we’ve walked through just a very few of what are called psalms of lament, and I hope you’ve begun to discover this truth. There are times in our lives when we struggle, when difficulties present themselves, when we face challenges that threaten to overwhelm us. And it’s okay to talk about such things. It’s especially okay to talk about them with God because, as I’ve said over and over again, he can handle it. So we’ve talked about the importance of continuing to pray, staying in the conversation with God because he has not and will not abandon you. And we talked about the right way to complain, how to share our struggle with God. Then last week we discussed asking boldly, and moving from the complaint to the “yet,” where pain and belief live in tension. But that’s not the end of the story. There’s a final piece to lamentin...