Faithful (Study Guide)

Sermon Study Guide for December 31, 2017

Scripture: Luke 2:21-24

  1. At the Temple

Leviticus 12

Exodus 13


2. Magi & Escape to Egypt (Matthew 2:1-18)
Arrival of the Magi

Escape to Egypt

Refugee…Matthew 25:31-46

3. Jesus in the Temple (Luke 2:41-50)
“My Father’s House”

The end of Joseph’s life…
Questions to Discuss or Ponder:
  1. If you grew up in the church, what “rituals” or practices were considered vital for being a “faithful” Christian?
  2. Why, do you think, maintaining the rituals of the faith were so important to Joseph and Mary? What does that attitude mean for us today?
  3. What does “faithfulness” as a Christian look like today? What role does sacrifice play in being faithful in your life?
  4. What does it mean to you that Jesus spent part of his life as a refugee? What difference does that make in the way we view those who are displaced persons today?
  5. What will it mean for you to deepen your covenant with God in this coming year? What steps will you take?

Scripture for the Week:
Monday - Luke 2:25-35
Tuesday - Luke 2:36-40
Wednesday -Matthew 2:1-18
Thursday -  Luke 2:41-52
Friday - Psalm 149

Saturday - Psalm 150


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