Man in the Shadows (Study Guide)

“Man in the Shadows”
Sermon Study Guide for December 3, 2017

Scripture: Matthew 13:53-58

Advent is here!

  1. Who was Joseph?
Matthew 1:25

How old was Joseph?



2. Father Figures
The influence of a Dad…

Choosing to be a Dad…
John 1:13
John 5:17

Fathers who aren’t

How can it be?

Questions to Discuss or Ponder:
  1. What did you learn about Joseph this morning that was new or that challenges preconceived notions you had?
  2. When you think of the word “father,” what images come to mind? Are those mostly positive or negative? Why?
  3. What impact did your father have on you?
  4. Who is a father figure you look up to (or looked up to in your childhood)? What difference did that person make in your life?
  5. What does it mean to you that God is called “father” in the Bible? If that is a negative image for you, how can you reclaim that image?

Scripture for the Week:
Monday - John 1:1-14
Tuesday - John 5:16-18
Wednesday - Luke 23:32-34, 44-46
Thursday - Mark 14:32-42
Friday - Romans 8:14-17
Saturday - Galatians 4:1-7

Resources for Advent
Card, Michael. The Promise. Sparrow, 1991.

Hamilton, Adam. Faithful. Abingdon, 2017.

Luker, Lamontte. An Illustrated Guide to the Holy Land. Abingdon, 2013.

Walt, J. D. Reset. Seedbed, 2017.


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