Some Great Thing
Some Great Thing 2 Kings 5:9-15; Luke 10:29-37 January 28, 2018 • Mount Pleasant UMC I never would have thought of myself as being racist, but I grew up in a small town where, pretty much, everyone was just like me. Middle class, white, rural with a comfortable life. There was one young boy who had been adopted by a family in our church; Todd was the only African-American I knew but he was, as far as I was concerned, just another kid in the church. I don’t remember there ever being a conversation about racism, or even being challenged to think outside our little box. Sometimes I wonder how Todd experienced and perceived things. When I was in college, a time in which most people find their worldview expanded and when we experience different cultures, I signed up to go with InterVarsity to the “inner city” of the west side of Chicago to work and serve for two months. That’s really the first time I recall having to confront my own prejudices and attitudes, because for t...