
Showing posts from January, 2018

Some Great Thing

Some Great Thing 2 Kings 5:9-15; Luke 10:29-37 January 28, 2018 • Mount Pleasant UMC I never would have thought of myself as being racist, but I grew up in a small town where, pretty much, everyone was just like me. Middle class, white, rural with a comfortable life. There was one young boy who had been adopted by a family in our church; Todd was the only African-American I knew but he was, as far as I was concerned, just another kid in the church. I don’t remember there ever being a conversation about racism, or even being challenged to think outside our little box. Sometimes I wonder how Todd experienced and perceived things. When I was in college, a time in which most people find their worldview expanded and when we experience different cultures, I signed up to go with InterVarsity to the “inner city” of the west side of Chicago to work and serve for two months. That’s really the first time I recall having to confront my own prejudices and attitudes, because for t...

Some Great Thing (Study Guide)

“Some Great Thing” Sermon Study Guide for January 28, 2018 Scripture: 2 Kings 5:9-15 Racism in our World The Biblical Witness Genesis 18 Leviticus 19:34 Deuteronomy 24:19-21 Hebrews 13:2 2. Three Bible Stories a. Naaman from Aram b. Jonah from Judah (Jonah 1-4) c. The Good Samaritan (Luke 10:25-37) The issue of genocide… Joshua 10:40; 11:15 3. How do we respond? Questions to Discuss or Ponder: Have you ever experienced any form of discrimination? In what way(s) have you seen racism at work in your world, your work, the community around you? What does “hospitality” mean to you? How do we extend “hospitality” to the stranger, foreigner or sojourner? What do each of the three Biblical stories teach us about God’s attitude toward “others” and toward racism? In your reading of the Scriptures, why does a loving God issue a command for genocide toward a people group? What is one step you will take this week ...

The Image of God

Genesis 1:26-28 January 21, 2018 • Mount Pleasant UMC In the last few months, we have again been reminded of how pervasive sexism is in our culture. From the first accusations of sexual harassment that were leveled at media mogul Harvey Weinstein, through the toppling of several other careers including entertainers and high-profile personalities, through the #MeToo movement on social media, and down to Oprah Winfrey’s now-famous speech at the Golden Globes a couple of weeks ago, the message is loud and clear: sexism is still a huge issue that we, as a culture, wrestle with. Despite all of our sophistication and no matter how highly we think of ourselves, we still struggle with creating a society in which men and women are valued equally, and that’s even true in the church. The Church (big C Church), sadly, has not been exempt from this latest round of accusations, proofs and challenges. Just a couple of weeks ago, a prominent megachurch pastor was forced to announce to his...

The Image of God (Study Guide)

“The Image of God” Sermon Study Guide for January 21, 2018 Scripture: Genesis 1:26-28 The world we live in… Creation What does it mean to be created in God’s image? Exodus 20:4 How do we reflect God? John 4:24 2. An Example Deuteronomy 22:28-29 Deborah, Esther Tamar, Rehab, Ruth, Bathsheba God as “Father” Isaiah 66:13; 49:15; 42:14 Hosea 11:3-4 Matthew 23:37 Galatians 3:28 3. So What? Questions to Discuss or Ponder: What have you heard others say about the current culture of sexual harassment allegations? How have you responded? What images tend to come to mind when you think of the first woman in Genesis? What does it mean for men and women to be in “mutual submission” to one another? What does it mean to you that God is called “Father”? What difference does it make to see every person as a reflection of the image of God? What does that truth have to say to our culture of abuse? What is one step y...