Three Simple Truths (Study Guide)

“Three Simple Truths”
Sermon Study Guide for January 7, 2018

Scripture: Psalm 16:8-9

The new year…focus…

1. God is ______________________________

2. God works for __________________________

3. Trust God, _____________________________

Karl Barth - the Gospel in a sentence…
John 8:32
Romans 12:2

Peter in the storm - Matthew 14:22-33

“We have the ability to determine _____________ we look and to ______________ we look.”

Questions to Discuss or Ponder:
  1. What hopes, dreams and fears do you have for the coming year? How are you inviting God into all of these?
  2. Which of these three truths do you need the most at this point in your life? How does this truth reveal God’s working in your life?
  3. If you were to sum up your faith in a single sentence, what would it be?
  4. What “unfocuses” you most frequently? How can you overcome that lack of focus?

Scripture for the Week:
Monday - Psalm 16
Tuesday - Matthew 14:22-33
Wednesday - John 8:21-32
Thursday - Acts 17:16-34
Friday - Romans 12:1-8
Saturday - Romans 12:9-21

Resources for the New Year
Giglio, Louie. Goliath Must Fall. HarperCollins, 2017.

Hansen, Adolph. Three Simple Truths. Inkwater Press, 2014.

Webb, Chris. God-Soaked Life. InterVarsity, 2017. 


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