Seven Last Words of the Church (Study Guide)

“Seven Last Words of the Church”
Sermon Study Guide for February 11, 2018

Scripture: Acts 10:9-23

  1. Peter and the Vision

“No, Lord” - John 13:8-9



2. Our Story
Our Mission…

Seven last words…

Hope of the world…

3. Looking Forward by Looking Back
a. Prayer

b. Purpose

c. Budget

d. Erosion

Isaiah 43:1-3

Questions to Discuss or Ponder:
  1. When have you, like Peter, been reluctant to move where God was obviously moving?
  2. What would it mean if the church started acting like we are the hope of the world?
  3. What difference does it make when a church decides to pray together?
  4. What do you understand to be our purpose as a church?
  5. Do you give to pay the bills or to see ministry happen? How are the two interlinked? What difference does each perspective make in our attitude toward giving?
  6. How do we work against slow erosion in the life of the church? When have you experienced your spiritual life eroding?

Scripture for the Week:
Monday - Acts 10:1-23
Tuesday - Acts 10:24-48
Wednesday - Isaiah 43:1-13
Thursday - Isaiah 43:14-28
Friday - John 13:1-17
Saturday - Proverbs 29:18

Resources for Vision
Kibbey, Sue Nilson. Floodgates. Abingdon, 2016.

Rainer, Thom. Autopsy of a Deceased Church. B&H Books, 2014.

Slaughter, Mike. Dare to Dream. Abingdon, 2013.


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