The Beloved (Study Guide)

“The Beloved”
Sermon Study Guide for February 18, 2018

Scripture: John 21:15-25


  1. The Gospel of John

uniqueness of this Gospel…

2. The Person of John
“the disciple Jesus loved”

John 13:23 - Last Supper
John 19:25-27 - the Cross
John 20:1-10 - the Resurrection

On the Galilean Shore…

Do you love me?

What about him?

Amazed by Jesus’ love…
Matthew 16:24-25
1 Corinthians 13:4-7

Questions to Discuss or Ponder:
  1. What was your experience with Lent growing up? What do you understand to be the purpose of this season?
  2. What differences are there between John and the other Gospels? Why do those differences exist? How do they help us see Jesus better?
  3. What would we be missing if we didn’t have the Gospel of John?
  4. When have you been tempted, like Peter, to return to something familiar in the face of uncertainty? What happened?
  5. Do you love Jesus more than “these”?
  6. Why is it so easy to focus on other things or other people rather than on what Jesus has called us to do?
  7. What word(s) would you use to describe your relationship with Jesus right now, today?

Scripture for the Week:
Monday - John 1:1-18
Tuesday - John 1:19-28
Wednesday - John 1:29-34
Thursday - John 1:35-42
Friday - John 1:43-51
Saturday - Genesis 1:1-2:3

Resources for Lent
Card, Michael. John: The Gospel of Wisdom. InterVarsity, 2014.

Hamilton, Adam. John: The Gospel of Light and Life. Abingdon, 2015.


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