
Showing posts from April, 2018

First Hope

Luke 18:1-8 April 29, 2018 • Mount Pleasant UMC This weekend, one of the big blockbuster films of the summer opened to massive crowds. Avengers: Infinity War is expected to bring in at least $215 million this weekend alone, and possibly end up domestically somewhere around the $600 million mark—or more. It is the nineteenth film in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, a 10-year-old film franchise that shows no signs of slowing down, and it is packed with Hollywood star power. I’m going to see it this afternoon with our LifeGroup, so you know the sermon will not run long today! But every time one of these movies come out, reviewers and financial experts alike keep asking the question, “Why do people flock to superhero movies? What is the big deal? What’s the draw?” I think the answer is not as simple as those folks would like it to be. For some, superhero movies are about nostalgia; those who grew up reading Marvel and DC comic books love to see their heroes come to life on the bi...

First Hope (Study Guide)

“First Hope” Sermon Study Guide for April 29, 2018 Scripture: Luke 18:1-8 A longing for justice… The Parable The judge… The widow… The situation… 2. Persistent Prayer “how much more” James 5:16 - powerful and effective Three persistent prayers: a. _________________________________ 1 Thessalonians 4:3 b. _________________________________ 1 Timothy 2:1-2 c. _________________________________ Luke 18:8 A Prayer Experience Questions to Discuss or Ponder: Where in our world do you see humanity’s longing for justice being lived out? Is it being done in positive or negative ways? Explain. What is the main point of Jesus’ parable? Why does the judge give in to the widow’s demands? In what way(s) is God like or unlike the judge? What does this parable mean by “persistent prayer”? How is that like or different from the way you’ve understood that term in the past? In what ways would your prayer life be des...

First Trust

Job 2:3-10 April 22, 2018 • Mount Pleasant UMC “If it bleeds, it leads.” This phrase, one that seems to govern much of the workings of the news media, is not as old as you think it is. The first verifiable use of the phrase was in a 1989 article in New York Magazine. The article was called, “Grins, Gore, and Videotape: The Trouble with Local TV News,” written by journalist Eric Pooley. In that article, Pooley pointed out what we already knew but few were willing to admit: “The thoughtful report is buried because sensational stories must launch the broadcast: If it bleeds, it leads.” What Pooley noticed, though, was not some vast conspiracy by the news media, or even early hints of “fake news.” Rather, he tapped into something true about human nature: that, for many reasons, we are fascinated by devastation, death and horrific circumstances. You know that; you’ve been in a traffic jam that was caused by a car accident, and when you get up to the accident you learn that the ...

First Trust (Study Guide)

“First Trust” Sermon Study Guide for April 22, 2018 Scripture: Job 2:3-10 “If it ______________, it ___________________.” Job God is ________________ (Job 38:2) Job is us. Job’s wife: “Curse God and die” 2. Trust a. ________________________________ b. ________________________________ c. ________________________________  Questions to Discuss or Ponder: Why do we focus so much on “bad news”? What do you think of the idea that God allows bad things to happen? How does that affect your image of God? How do Job and his wife deal with tragedy differently? Which experience have you had most frequently? Have you ever had the attitude of Job’s wife? In what way is her response authentic? Which element of trust do you find most helpful in considering your relationship with God? What is the most difficult thing in your life right now? Can you pray about it, trusting God to take care of it? Why or why not? Script...

First Listen (Study Guide)

“First Listen” Sermon Study Guide for April 15, 2018 Scripture: 1 Kings 19:11-13 1. “a still, small voice” 2. Presence Two-way conversation 3. How God Speaks James 1:19 - quick to ______________ Psalm 46:10 - be _________________ We can be so busy ________________ that we don’t listen. Failing to listen shows you don’t _______________. When you value ___________________, you’re going to listen carefully. Questions to Discuss or Ponder: What image does “a still, small voice” bring to mind? Why do you think the author of 1 Kings uses that phrase to describe God’s voice? What is your response to the idea that God speaks to us? Have you experienced that or have you known someone who has? What does it mean to you if someone doesn’t listen to you? How does that affect your practice of listening to others? Evaluate your life. Where is there room or silence that God can speak into? What will you do this week to begin listen...