First Trust (Study Guide)

“First Trust”
Sermon Study Guide for April 22, 2018

Scripture: Job 2:3-10

“If it ______________, it ___________________.”

  1. Job

God is ________________ (Job 38:2)

Job is us.

Job’s wife: “Curse God and die”

2. Trust
a. ________________________________

b. ________________________________

c. ________________________________ 

Questions to Discuss or Ponder:
  1. Why do we focus so much on “bad news”?
  2. What do you think of the idea that God allows bad things to happen? How does that affect your image of God?
  3. How do Job and his wife deal with tragedy differently? Which experience have you had most frequently?
  4. Have you ever had the attitude of Job’s wife? In what way is her response authentic?
  5. Which element of trust do you find most helpful in considering your relationship with God?
  6. What is the most difficult thing in your life right now? Can you pray about it, trusting God to take care of it? Why or why not?

Scripture for the Week:
Monday - Job 1:1-22
Tuesday - Job 2:1-13
Wednesday - Job 38:1-18
Thursday - 1 Corinthians 1:4-9 
Friday - John 14:5-14
Saturday - 1 Thessalonians 5:16-24

Resources for Prayer
Clapper, Gregory. When the World Breaks Your Heart. Wipf & Stock, 2016. 

Downing, David. The Most Reluctant Convert. InterVarsity, 2002.

Harper, Steve. Talking in the Dark. Upper Room, 2007.


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