Why We Were Made (Study Guide)

“Why We Were Made”
Sermon Study Guide for August 19, 2018

Scripture: Romans 7:21-25

Two sides…

  1. The Fall
Genesis 3

What is sin?
2 Samuel 11

2. Paul
“the law”
Psalm 119:97
Philippians 3:5-6

Matthew 26:31 - “the spirit is willing…”

The law can ____________ sin, not __________ it.

3. Our Story
Genesis 1:26, 31


A more hopeful story…

Questions to Discuss or Ponder:
  1. When have you experienced “two sides” to a story? How did you determine what was true?
  2. How do you define “sin”? What makes an action a sin? Does sin always involve action? Why or why not?
  3. Who determines what is sin and what is not? Why?
  4. In what way(s) do you identify with Paul’s writing in Romans 7?
  5. Why can’t the Law save us?
  6. What do you understand to be the similarities and differences between “image” and “likeness”? How does that affect the way we view ourselves and each other?
  7. What action will you take this week to exhibit God’s likeness?

Scripture for the Week:
Monday - 2 Samuel 11
Tuesday - 2 Samuel 12
Wednesday - Psalm 119:97-120
Thursday - 2 Corinthians 5:11-21
Friday - Ecclesiastes 1:1-11
Saturday - Ephesians 2:11-22

Resources for the bigger story
Colson, Charles. The Faith. Zondervan, 2008.

Metaxas, Eric. Amazing Grace. HarperOne, 2009.

Smith, James Bryan. The Magnificent Story. InterVarsity, 2017.


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