Wow (Study Guide)

Sermon Study Guide for August 12, 2018

Scripture: Psalm 19:1-6

The Story…

  1. Creation
Genesis 1-2

2. The Wonder of Creation
Creation proclaims God’s ______________________ (19:1-2)

Romans 8:18-24
1 Corinthians 2:9

There is no place where creation doesn’t _________________ (19:3-4)

Mark 9:2-4
Revelation 21:23

God _________________ through creation

Romans 1:20

Questions to Discuss or Ponder:
  1. What is the outline for our story? Which parts are you most familiar with?
  2. Why do you think our Scriptures include two creation stories? Does it matter which details are right? Why or why not?
  3. What does it mean that creation proclaims God’s glory? When have you experienced this to be true?
  4. Why, do you think, did God make the creation beautiful?
  5. What, do you suppose, did creation look like before the Fall?
  6. How have you heard God speaking through creation?
  7. If we are stewards of creation, what responsibility does that put on you and me, here and now?
  8. Where will you look for wonder this week? How will you learn to say “Wow”?

Scripture for the Week:
Monday - Genesis 1:1-2:3
Tuesday - Genesis 2:4-25
Wednesday - Psalm 8
Thursday - Psalm 139
Friday - Romans 8:18-24
Saturday - Revelation 21:22-27

Resources for the bigger story
Smith, James Bryan. The Magnificent Story. InterVarsity, 2017.

Wright, N. T. Surprised by Hope. HarperOne, 2008.


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