Seeing God's Hand (Study Guide)

“Seeing God’s Hand”
Sermon Study Guide for October 7, 2018

Scripture: Genesis 40:1-23

  1. Joseph in Prison
Discouragement from ______________________
“dark night of the soul”

Discouragement from ______________________


2. Us in “Prison”

Forgetting Joseph…

Being forgotten…

The UMC…

In an Upper Room…

Hebrews 13:3 - remember those in prison

Questions to Discuss or Ponder:
  1. What do you think it was like for Joseph to be in prison? What memories or feelings would that experience have brought to mind?
  2. What was the source of your most recent season of discouragement?
  3. “Joseph was inside the dungeon but he never let the dungeon get inside of him.” Respond to this statement.
  4. What does it feel like to “be forgotten”?
  5. Recall a time when you had to trust someone else, even though it was hard. How did you learn to trust?
  6. What fears are you facing? Where can you see God’s hand in the midst of the fearful situation?

Scripture for the Week:
Monday - Genesis 42
Tuesday - Genesis 43
Wednesday - Genesis 44
Thursday - Genesis 45
Friday - Genesis 46
Saturday - Genesis 47

Resources for the Dreamer
Colson, Charles. Life Sentence. Fleming Revell, 1979.

Elliott, Stephen. Joseph: A Story About a Family. Seedbed, 2016.

Seamands, David. Living With Your Dreams. Victor, 1990.


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