Mine!? (Study Guide)

Sermon Study Guide for November 18, 2019

Scripture: Mark 10:17-31

Whose church? Matthew 16:18

  1. Rich Young Ruler
Matthew 19:20; Luke 18:18

Following the Law…

Jesus looked at him and ___________ him…

2. The Rich You and Me
Giving habits…
Matthew 6:24

Strategy: __________________________

2018: radical _________________________

2019: intentional __________________________

Questions to Discuss or Ponder:
  1. When are you most tempted to call this place “my church”? What is incorrect about that label?
  2. Why is living “according to all the laws” an impossible way to live?
  3. Why is Jesus’ response to the rich young ruler not the answer to his question?
  4. What does a person who has made money their god look like? How do they act? What sorts of things are important to such a person?
  5. Do you hold tightly to your money? Or do you give with strings attached? What shapes your ability to give?
  6. How does our generous giving honor God?
  7. What is the “greater cause” you have given your life to? Does your wallet know about it?

Scripture for the Week:
Monday - Matthew 7:9-12
Tuesday - Matthew 6:19-24
Wednesday - Luke 12:42-48
Thursday - Psalm 105
Friday - 2 Corinthians 9:6-15
Saturday - John 2:13-25

Resources for Generosity
Christopher, Clif. God vs. Money. Abingdon, 2018.

Slaughter, Mike. shiny gods. Abingdon, 2013.

Stetzer, Ed. Christians in the Age of Outrage. Tyndale, 2018.


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