Mine!? (Study Guide)
Sermon Study Guide for November 18, 2019
Scripture: Mark 10:17-31
Whose church? Matthew 16:18
- Rich Young Ruler
Matthew 19:20; Luke 18:18
Following the Law…
Jesus looked at him and ___________ him…
2. The Rich You and Me
Giving habits…
Matthew 6:24
Strategy: __________________________
2018: radical _________________________
2019: intentional __________________________
Questions to Discuss or Ponder:
- When are you most tempted to call this place “my church”? What is incorrect about that label?
- Why is living “according to all the laws” an impossible way to live?
- Why is Jesus’ response to the rich young ruler not the answer to his question?
- What does a person who has made money their god look like? How do they act? What sorts of things are important to such a person?
- Do you hold tightly to your money? Or do you give with strings attached? What shapes your ability to give?
- How does our generous giving honor God?
- What is the “greater cause” you have given your life to? Does your wallet know about it?
Scripture for the Week:
Monday - Matthew 7:9-12
Tuesday - Matthew 6:19-24
Wednesday - Luke 12:42-48
Thursday - Psalm 105
Friday - 2 Corinthians 9:6-15
Saturday - John 2:13-25
Resources for Generosity
Christopher, Clif. God vs. Money. Abingdon, 2018.
Slaughter, Mike. shiny gods. Abingdon, 2013.
Stetzer, Ed. Christians in the Age of Outrage. Tyndale, 2018.