Why Are You Crying Out? (Study Guide)

“Why Are You Crying Out?”
Sermon Study Guide for January 20, 2019

Scripture: Exodus 14:10-18

Grumbling and complaining…

  1. The Exodus
At the “Sea of Reeds”


2. The Will of God
Intentional, Circumstantial, Ultimate


Two Questions…

Questions to Discuss or Ponder:
  1. Do you experience today’s world as mostly upbeat or mostly grumbling? Why do you give the answer you do?
  2. Why do you think the Hebrews remember their time in Egypt with fondness? Have you ever had a similar “memory change”?
  3. How do you think Moses reacted to God’s question initially?
  4. Recall a time you were “stuck.” What happened? What caused you to get “unstuck”?
  5. Which of the “signposts” have been most helpful to you recently?
  6. Consider the two questions. Answer them as honestly as you are able to.

Scripture for the Week:
Monday - Isaiah 30:19-21
Tuesday - Jeremiah 18:1-10
Wednesday - Isaiah 6:1-8
Thursday - Habakkuk 1:1-11
Friday - Matthew 14:22-33
Saturday - Romans 8:14-17

Resources for Answering God’s Questions
Hamilton, Adam. Why? Abingdon, 2011.

Weatherhead, Leslie. The Will of God. Abingdon, 1944 (rev. 2016).


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