Right Paths (Study Guide)

“Right Paths”
Sermon Study Guide for March 24, 2019

Scripture: Psalm 23:3b

A confession…

Sheep and paths…

1. Right Paths

2. Wrong Paths

3. Our Choice

Five Distractions from the Right Path and Dilutes Joy:
a. A wrong view of __________________
b. __________________ and _____________________
c. Human _________________________
d. _________________________________
e. Hidden ______________________
Listen to the voice of ________________________________
Questions to Discuss or Ponder:
  1. Think about a time you got lost. What happened? How did you get “found”?
  2. Who determines what is right and what is wrong? How do you make right/wrong decisions?
  3. How do we get in tune with the mind of Christ?
  4. What in Mike’s story (the inmate) do you connect with?
  5. Share a time in your life when you chose a right path. What happened?
  6. Whose path do you cross that you might have an influence on this week?
  7. What big choice do you face for which you need guidance?
  8. Which distraction do you most need to deal with today?

Scripture for the Week:
Monday - Psalm 23
Tuesday - Luke 12:13-21
Wednesday - Luke 10:25-37
Thursday - Isaiah 53:1-6
Friday - John 10:1-6
Saturday - Proverbs 28:12-14

In response to this Scripture, how will you live?


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