The Way Forward (Study Guide)

“The Way Forward”
Sermon Study Guide for March 3, 2019

Scripture: Matthew 28:16-20

General Conference…

1. A mountain in Galilee…
The journey…

The commission… (28:18-20)

A disciple is…
John 14:7

2. The making of a disciple
a. ______________

b. ________________________
John 4:29

c. ________________________
John 13:34-35
Matthew 22:37-38; Mark 10:29-31
Matthew 7:1

Matthew 1:22-23 - “Immanuel”

Questions for Discussion and Reflection
  1. What is your response to the UMC General Conference?
  2. When have you needed a “journey” to clear your head? In what ways does God use such journeys to prepare us for what’s next?
  3. Who has influenced your life to a significant degree? In what way(s)? How does your life reflect theirs?
  4. Where are there opportunities for mission in your neighborhood, in your life? Where is God calling you to “go”?
  5. What is Jesus’ primary command? How does the definition of that differ from the way we usually understand or approach that word?
  6. How are we to understand Jesus’ command, “Do not judge,” in light of his command to love?
  7. “Attempt something so big, that unless God intervenes, it's bound to fail.” React to this statement.

Scripture for the Week:
Monday - John 14:5-14
Tuesday - John 4:1-26
Wednesday - John 4:27-42
Thursday - Mark 10:17-31
Friday -Matthew 27:34-40
Saturday - Psalm 23

In response to this Scripture, how will you live?


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