What Do You Want? (Study Guide)
“What Do You Want?” Sermon Study Guide for May 31, 2020 Scripture: John 1:29-42 1. “What Do You Want?” When the Son of God asks questions… 2. The Purpose of the Questions Ecclesiastes 1:2 “a God-shaped vaccuum…” Nicodemus Zacchaeus Woman at the Well A contemporary example 3. Two Questions, Two Words What would you say… How does your daily life… Delight & Invite Questions to Discuss or Ponder: Why do you think Jesus asked so many questions? If you could ask Jesus a question, what would it be? How do you think he would answer? Where do most people you know look for meaning and purpose? How do those things (or people) fail to provide what they are looking for? Share about a time when you were looking for what you needed in the wrong places. What happened? How is Jesus’ presence better than what you once sought? What would you say to Jesus if he asked you today, “What do you want?” What...