Breathing Life (Study Guide)

May 10 - “Breathing Life”

Questions for discussion
  1. Have you ever thought of God being “like a mother”? What images of motherhood do you most easily connect to God?
  2. If this virus time has been like an exile, what is the word of hope you are hearing?
  3. What title or name are you most comfortable using with God? Why?
  4. In way(s) do both male and female reflect the image of God?
  5. Respond to this statement: “Jesus does not offer to make bad people good but to make dead people alive.”
  6. What “new thing” do you sense God is doing in your life during this time of “exile”? What “new thing” is God doing in our church or community?
  7. How will you respond?

Scriptures for the Week
Monday - Matthew 6:9-13
Tuesday - Mark 14:32-42
Wednesday - 1 Timothy 6:11-21
Thursday - Acts 2:1-12
Friday - Romans 8:18-30
Saturday -  Luke 12:49-53


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