Faith, Hope and Love (Study Guide)

 “Faith, Hope and Love”

Sermon Study Guide for August 30, 2020

Downloadable Format

Scripture: Mark 14:32-38

1. Gethsemane




2. The Silence of God




3. Watch and Pray

Jeremiah 29:11

Questions to Discuss or Ponder:

  1. “Everything is possible for God.” Do you believe this? In what way(s) does your prayer life reflect this faith?
  2. What does it mean to you that you can call God “Abba”?
  3. What do you normally pray about? Do those prayers reflect your hopes for yourself, for others, for the world?
  4. How is obedience connected to love?
  5. Have you ever “heard” the silence of God? Share as much of the experience as you feel comfortable sharing.
  6. If our faith is grounded in the Scriptures, why do we utilize so little of the Scriptures in our prayers? How can you rectify that?
  7. What is the difference between praying for God to bless your will and praying to be able to do God’s will?
  8. What will it mean for you this week to “watch and pray”?

Scripture for the Week:

Monday - Psalm 44

Tuesday - Psalm 74

Wednesday - Psalm 79

Thursday - Psalm 51

Friday - Psalm 142

Saturday - Psalm 4

In response to this Scripture, how will you live?

Prayer Prompt: Watch and pray!


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