From the East (Study Guide)

 “From the East”

Sermon Study Guide for December 6, 2020

Downloadable Version

Scripture: Matthew 2:1-12

1. The Magi’s Journey



Unexpected visitors…

2. Our Journey

Jesus and the Samaritan Woman (John 4:1-42)

The Good Samaritan (Luke 10:25-37

Jesus the Refugee (Matthew 2:13-23)

A community in Chicago…

Getting to know “the other”

Questions to Discuss or Ponder:

  1. What is your earliest memory of being in a place that was considered “not safe”?
  2. What do you know about the Magi? How is our popular understanding of them different from what we’re told in the Gospel?
  3. Who do you know who still hasn’t found what they are looking for spiritually? Where does our world encourage people to look for meaning and purpose?
  4. Why do you think the chief priests and teachers of the law were uninterested in going to Bethlehem?
  5. What are some other examples of Jesus welcoming a stranger?
  6. How does the church welcome “strangers” today? In what way do we fail to welcome strangers today?
  7. What steps will you take today or this week to get to know “the other”?

Scripture for the Week:

Monday - Matthew 2:13-23

Tuesday - John 4:1-42

Wednesday - Luke 10:25-37

Thursday - Ruth 1:1-22

Friday - Deuteronomy 10:12-22

Saturday - Luke 2:8-15

In response to this Scripture, how will you live?

Prayer Prompt: For courage to step across all of our lines.


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