Leave the Light On (Study Guide)

“Leave the Light On”

Sermon Study Guide for December 13, 2020

Downloadable Version

Scripture: Luke 2:8-15

1. The Night-Shift Shepherds

“living out in the fields”

“an angel of the Lord”

two signs

Judaisms and “the sinners”

2. Leave the Light On

welcome at the manger

our “shepherds”

people in our own lives…

Questions to Discuss or Ponder:

  1. Recall a time when someone “left the light on” for you (either literally or metaphorically). How did that impact you? How did it make you feel?
  2. How does celebrating Jesus’ birth complement celebrating his death and resurrection?
  3. If an angel appeared to you, how do you imagine you would react? How would you describe the experience to someone else?
  4. What is significant about the two “signs” the angels give the shepherds?
  5. Who do we tend to put in the category of “sinner” today? (How has the concept of “sin” changed from Jesus’ world to ours?)
  6. What can you do this week to “light a candle” rather than “curse the darkness”?
  7. Who are you “leaving a light on” for this Christmas?

Scripture for the Week:

Monday - Luke 1:1-25

Tuesday - Luke 1:57-80

Wednesday - Luke 3:1-20

Thursday - Matthew 3:1-12

Friday - Mark 1:1-8

Saturday - Luke 2:22-40

In response to this Scripture, how will you live?

Prayer Prompt: To become aware of those in your life who need to know the Savior.


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