P.R.A.Y.: Pause (Study Guide)

“P.R.A.Y.: Pause”

Sermon Study Guide for January 24, 2021

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Scripture: Matthew 6:5-8

Everyone prays…

1. “Teach Us to Pray”

Luke 11:1-4

2. Pause: Two Practices

a. ___________________________


1 Kings 19:12 - “still, small voice”

b. ___________________________


3. Notes on Prayer

Questions to Discuss or Ponder:

  1. In what way(s) do you struggle with prayer?
  2. “Prayer is not the only thing we can do, but it should be the first thing we do.” Respond to this statement. Do you think this is true? Why or why not?
  3. Whose prayer life have you learned from? What have you learned?
  4. How can you being to practice the disciplines of centering and breath prayers?
  5. What might be a “breath prayer” that would be helpful to you? How can you begin to use it in your day?
  6. What most distracts you in your own prayer life?
  7. Why do we tend to treat prayer as something magic? In what way(s) do you need to adjust your view of prayer?
  8. How will you begin to “pause” this week?

Scripture for the Week:

Monday - Luke 11:1-13

Tuesday - 1 Kings 19:1-18

Wednesday - Psalm 27

Thursday - Psalm 131

Friday - Psalm 47

Saturday - Matthew 6:5-15

In response to this Scripture, how will you live?

Prayer Prompt: Pause.


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