Falling On My Face (Study Guide)

 “Falling On My Face”

Sermon Study Guide for September 12, 2021

Downloadable Version

Scripture: 1 Kings 19:11-13

What are you doing here?

1. Elijah

a prophet…

an angry queen…

a run for the soul…

an encounter with God…

  “The Lord was not in them…”

God speaks…

2. Getting Past “I” Worship

Revelation 4:11

Romans 12:3

The importance of community


Questions to Discuss or Ponder:

  1. What is the difference between “going to church” and “going to worship”? Why does the difference matter?
  2. What is worship? Why do you take part in corporate worship?
  3. What is the task of a prophet, Biblically speaking? How is that different from what most people think?
  4. Why does God ask Elijah the question he does?
  5. Take a moment to examine your spiritual life. How much “I” is there in the requests you make of God?
  6. Why does God choose a “still, small voice” over something spectacular when he’s speaking to Elijah? How does God most often speak to you?
  7. Why is community so important when it comes to worship?
  8. How is worship “turning you around”?

Scripture for the Week:

Monday - 1 Kings 19:14-21

Tuesday - Revelation 4:1-11

Wednesday - Revelation 5:1-14

Thursday - Psalm 8

Friday - Psalm 150

Saturday - Romans 12:1-8

In response to this Scripture, how will you live?

Prayer Prompt: Fall on your face and worship.


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