The Only Way to Live (Study Guide)


“The Only Way to Live”

Sermon Study Guide for September 26, 2021

Downloadable Version

Scripture: Psalm 96

“Hallelujah” - phrases of praise

1. Worship in Spirit and Truth

John 4:23-24

music & “the worship wars”


2. Unceasing Worship

“love languages”

like childhood

“be the hallelujah” / life in the Spirit

Questions to Discuss or Ponder:

  1. What language do you use to praise God?
  2. When you hear “worship,” what images come to mind? How do you understand worship as “more than music” and a way to the abundant life?
  3. Is God as real to you on Monday as he is on Sunday? How can you make every day a “holy-day”?
  4. What do you do to demonstrate your love of God? What is your spiritual “love language”?
  5. Which of God’s “love languages” is most meaningful to you? In what way does that “language” inspire you to worship?
  6. What habit or practice will you begin this week to enable you to become a “hallelujah” even in the mundane moments of living?

Scripture for the Week:

Monday - Psalm 105

Tuesday - Psalm 106

Wednesday - Psalm 111

Thursday - Psalm 112

Friday - Psalm 113-115

Saturday - Ezekiel 47:1-6

In response to this Scripture, how will you live?

Prayer Prompt: Worship in spirit and truth.


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