For Us and Our Salvation (Study Guide)

“For Us and Our Salvation”

Sermon Study Guide for December 12, 2021

Downloadable Version

Scripture: Luke 2:1-5

1. The World Jesus Came To

Caesar Augustus

2. Other Versions of Jesus

a. Fully human - “adopted”

Luke 3:22

b. Fully God

c. Wise man & philosopher

3. For Us and For Our Salvation

James 2:17-18: faith without works

redemption of the whole world

Questions to Discuss or Ponder:

  1. Why do we want to restrict Christmas to “only good news”? How do we try to shut out the “bad news”?
  2. Which of the “other versions of Jesus” have you heard? Are there any you have believed?
  3. Respond to this statement: “To get Christ wrong is to get God wrong.”
  4. Why do the “songs of Christmas” in Luke 1 not refer so much to “personal salvation”? What is the emphasis of these songs?
  5. How do our deeds give witness to our faith? Share a personal example.
  6. In what way(s) will you participate in the redemption of the whole world this Christmas? How will you live out your incarnational faith?

Scripture for the Week:

Monday - James 2:14-26

Tuesday - Matthew 25:31-46

Wednesday - Luke 1:39-56

Thursday - Luke 1:57-80

Friday - Philippians 2:1-11

Saturday - Matthew 1:18-25

In response to this Scripture, how will you live?

Prayer Prompt: How shall I live out the truth of this season?


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