It All Matters (Study Guide)

 “It All Matters”

Sermon Study Guide for December 19, 2021

Downloadable Version

Scripture: Matthew 1:18-25

1. Implication One

If the incarnation is true…

2. Implication Two

If the incarnation is true…

Mary was “found” to be pregnant

Live into your belief…

Questions to Discuss or Ponder:

  1. What preparations do you yet need to take care of for Christmas to be “perfect”?
  2. When do you do most of your Christmas shopping?
  3. What fears, worries, concerns, or excitements do you think Joseph would have been experiencing in the lead-up to that first Christmas?
  4. Why do people today prefer a “distant” God rather than the Christian God?
  5. What helps you slow down enough to be able to listen to God?
  6. Recall an “anywhere” that God showed up for you. Share as much of the story as you feel comfortable sharing.
  7. What does it mean to “live into your belief”?
  8. This Christmas, where will you find Jesus? Where will he find you?

Scripture for the Week: The Nativity Story

Monday - Luke 1:1-25

Tuesday - Luke 1:26-38

Wednesday - Luke 1:39-56

Thursday - Luke 1:57-80

Friday - Matthew 1:18-25

Saturday - Luke 2:1-20

In response to this Scripture, how will you live?

Prayer Prompt: To show the authentic Jesus to everyone this Christmas.


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