Search Me (Study Guide)

 “Search Me”

Sermon Study Guide for June 12, 2022

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Scripture: Psalm 139

Prayer is a challenge…

1. Search Me

“google” me

what God knows

the lie of our own goodness

Jeremiah 17:9

Romans 3:10, 23

2. Dangerous Prayer

a. __________________________

“anxious thoughts”

2 Timothy 1:7

b. _________________________

“offensive way”

1 Samuel 11 - David

c. _________________________

“the way everlasting”

Questions to Discuss or Ponder:

  1. What is the biggest challenge for you when it comes to prayer?
  2. How would you describe your prayer life currently? Is it where you would like it to be?
  3. What are the things the psalmist says God “knows” about him?
  4. In what ways do we “buy the lie of our own goodness” in the current culture? Why is that a lie?
  5. If God were to reveal your primary anxious thought, what would it be? Why is it so hard to trust God with that “anxious thought”?
  6. Which of the three parts of the psalmist’s prayer is the hardest for you to allow God to search? Why?
  7. How will you allow God to search you more deeply this week?

Scripture for the Week:

Monday - Jeremiah 17:5-10

Tuesday - Romans 3:9-30

Wednesday - 2 Timothy 1:3-12

Thursday - 2 Samuel 11

Friday - 2 Samuel 12:1-25

Saturday - Mark 14:1-11

In response to this Scripture, how will you live?

Prayer Prompt: “Search me.”


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