O My Son! (Study Guide)

 “O My Son!”

Sermon Study Guide for September 4, 2022

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Scripture: 2 Samuel 18:6-15

1. From King to Exile

Tamar, Amnon, Absalom

Matthew 6:14-15 - if you forgive…

2. Suffering and the Believer

The battle against Absalom

“Compassion” means…

Three responses to suffering…

a. ________________________

b. ________________________

c. ________________________

…a sharp word…

Questions for Discussion and Reflection

  1. Have you been in a situation where a family was broken by words or actions? Recall as much as you can. How did it affect everyone involved?
  2. Why do you think David did not intervene in his family drama? What happens when someone like David does that?
  3. Share about a “wilderness” (real or metaphorical) experience you had that shaped you.
  4. When have you been told that Jesus would remove all your suffering? What effect did that have on you?
  5. What does “compassion” mean? What images do you have of what compassion looks like?
  6. Which of the three responses to suffering have you participated in the most? Which has meant to the most to you in times of suffering?
  7. How have you experienced the truth of this statement: “God can use even this.”?

Scripture for the Week:

Monday - 2 Samuel 18:19-33

Tuesday - 2 Samuel 19:1-23

Wednesday - 2 Samuel 19:24-43

Thursday - 2 Samuel 20:1-26

Friday - 2 Samuel 21:1-22

Saturday - 2 Samuel 22:1-51

In response to this Scripture, how will you live?

Prayer Prompt: Where is God calling you to be compassionate?


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