Broken for Good (Study Guide)

 “Broken for Good”

Sermon Study Guide for December 4, 2022

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Scripture: Genesis 32:22-28

“We don’t talk about…”

1. Jacob

Genesis 25:26 - his name…

Encounter with Esau


Philippians 4:6-7

Attacked by a stranger…

2. A New Name


Zechariah 4:6

Moses - Exodus 14:13-14

Remember - 1 Corinthians 15:23-25

Luke 22:16, 18

Questions to Discuss or Ponder:

  1. Think about “that one family member.” What makes it difficult to relate to them?
  2. Look over Matthew’s “begats” in Matthew 1:1-17. What do you know about the people listed there? What stands out?
  3. Why is it that prayer tends to be our last response rather than our first?
  4. In what way(s) do you find yourself living life like Jacob did? What “name” would you call yourself by and why?
  5. Have you had an “encounter with Esau” type moment? What happened? How did it resolve?
  6. When is it most difficult to let God fight for you? How can you change your response in such a situation?
  7. If salvation is a gift, have you received it? If not, why not?

Scripture for the Week:

Monday - Genesis 12:1-9

Tuesday - Genesis 21:1-7

Wednesday - Genesis 22:1-14

Thursday - Genesis 32:22-32

Friday - Genesis 50:15-20

Saturday - Exodus 12:21-28

In response to this Scripture, how will you live?

Prayer Prompt: Rest and let God fight for you.


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